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LEE MU美白针整形医院KES新年年夜片赏析

ORGANIC COLLECTION by lee mukes<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




My inspiration for “ORGANIC” comes from change and time, as we all know time will change everything and the conflict of opposing forces (old and new), the energy created with the friction of opposites and the release, the explosion泉美整形 of power discovered once stress levels are too intense to control. With the images our goal is to capture the strength of color supporting the latest hair trends occurring globally.

I also needed to capture the human element of tension by portraying the strength we gain after an evolution, here we wanted to show the confidence and beauty found in the wake of struggle and the birth of a brighter future stressing individuality, non-conformity, unconventionality, the strength of independence and feminine beauty along with feminine confidence.

Expressing chaos and order perfectly with a “chaotic” light reflecting backdrop I feel that this allows for the “order”, the modernity and beauty of my trends to stand out more clearly with this intellectual contrast.


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