VPA 威派国际时髦秀激光嫩肤价位于2019第九届亚洲美业金紫荆年夜奖盛典舞台完善归纳
2019 第九届亚洲美业金紫荆年夜奖盛典紫荆绽开,灿烂莲花,出色浮现。
VPA 威派国际时髦扮演秀
由天下美发巨匠舒威巍(Chevy)老师携团队倾力创立的V Palace International教导机构,在寰球业内享有极高贵的信用度。咱们一直在倾慕努力于传布、晋升天下发型哲学艺术的理念跟思维。咱们等待着时时刻刻都能将咱们的技能、立场、豪情、贡献、自律、能量与各人共享!
The “V Palace International” is an education institution which is established by Chevy Shu, a global fa美丽无忧网mous hairdressing master, and his team, it enjoys very high credibility within this field throughout the world. We are committed to spread and improve the concepts and ideas of the world hair art philosophy. We are looking forward to share our skills, attitudes, passion, dedication, discipline and energy with you at every moment!
舒威巍 Chevy :天下级美发巨匠,一位晋升天下发型理念、哲学、艺术的教导家,今世最具影响力的美业时髦教父 。
2001---The first Asian passing the global education instructor certification by Vidal Sassoon.
2002年---美国洛杉矶沙宣学院交换任教,同年赴纽约参加时髦周任务 。
2002---Taught in Sassoon Academy in Los Angeles, U.S.A and then participated in the Fashion Week.
2003---The first Asian getting senior instructor certificate for global education issued by Sassoon, awarded as “The world’s most attractive instructor with magic hands.”
Since2001---repeatedly organized and participated in international hair shows and advertising photography (New York, Los Angeles, London, Milan, Tokyo, Seoul, Malaysia, Singapore,Indonesia,Chinese Tai Wan, Hong Kong, 冰电波拉皮医院Macao and so on).
Since 2002, repeatedly acted as reviews in world super model contests, CCTV Fashion China, presidents of committee in Asia-Pacific region and world hairdressing contests
2007年---创立 V PALACE(威派)教导品牌。
2007---established V Palace Education brand
2011---年创立VPA INTERNATIONAL教导品牌、明星专属品牌。
2011---established VPA International education brand, stare exclusive brand.